My legacy of thoughts

Thursday, September 14, 2006

School matters

I was talking to Dear over the phone earlier on and she made a comment on how I've been blogging more frequently lately. I acknowledged her observation, saying that "I write what I don't say". I remember saying this phrase in an old post of mine but I kinda lazy to go dig it out. I understand that she has been occupied with her academic work and has less time for me. But hey, no hard feelings, we all have our hectic periods every now and then. And mine is about to begin.

So, let me take a brief reprieve from being mean and cynical, as in the LIFT series and narrate things in a slightly more neutral manner. Not that I don't enjoy ridiculing LIFT, though. So like, this post is just an update of the recent happenings in my varsity life, particularly, projects.

Projects. Ah yes, I never seem to be able to escape this term since I first knew of it when I was 11. Although I'm only taking 4 modules this semester and graduating after that, projects still worry me. *guffaws* Can't believe it, eh? I've every reason to be worried, for they are all deciding factors in the final grades. Currently, there are 4 group projects, none of them started. Just nice isn't it, one for each module.

The project for IT1004, Introduction to E-commerce, is not really a project per se but rather a group presentation. We're supposed to present this case study question in class for like 20 minutes and follow it up with class discussion for like 10 minutes. Piece of cake, I would say. At least on the part of how to get the class involved.

Heru and I thought of several ideas to make the presentation interesting over lunch today, erm, I meant, yesterday. Let's see how the other group mate feel about our ideas. In short, our goal is to "raise the bar so damn bloody high" that the other groups will have difficulty reaching it. In local academic lingo, we are the ones who "spoil the market". Then again, it's only with competition, then there will be improvement, isn't it? We aren't the bad guys, really. haha~

As for MNO2311, Leadership in Organization, the project is not so much of a killer. Doing it is fine but it is the preparatory work that will consume half my life force, and quite possibly, reduce my lifespan as well. You see, we are supposed to analyze world leaders, be it political or business, and we gotta read biographies to do so. Yes, those bloated books the thickness of telephone directories with words the size of ants. So far, my group has gathered a few of those behemoths and we intend to get down and dirty with 'em next week. *cracks knuckles*

On a related note, I also have an indivdual project for this module. It's about writing on 3 past leadership incidents and reflecting on the leadership lessons learnt. Boy, recalling is going to be a breeze. After all, I did waste 2 years in conscription and the various less-than-perfect leadership experiences that I have witnessed is quite sufficient. Say, perhaps I should write a book on this. Just like how Scott Adams created Dilbert to mock at the corporate world, I too, can make a comic strip or write a book to scoff at the military scene. Anyway, I need to check with the lecturer if it's OK to base all 3 experiences in the military context.

Next comes BSP3001, Business Strategy Policy. This is a 2-hit combo, demanding that my group deliver a case analysis as well as a written report on another topic with a presentation. The case analysis will be distributed next week and I hope it will not leech the remaining life force that I have.

As for the project, my group has yet to decide on a company to analyze. It's a tough call, with so many companies out there. Choosing one to study its corporate strategies is about as difficult as looking for a male/female out there and studying its suitability to become a long-term partner. We really need to exercise care and select prudently or end up going where most failed marriages go to: nowhere.

Lastly, MNO3303, Organizational Effectiveness. The case has been given out and we got our groups and we know what to do but just one thing: we haven't got anything started. But this can be easily resolved, as we are going to meet up discuss on the direction to take.

Frankly, this is my most "clueless" module this semester. After like 4 weeks and I still have no idea what the course is all about. Worst of all, I have to write a term paper for this module! Argh! And the term paper carries 20% of the overall grade! Double Argh! Either I start looking for materials now or I start spreading some rumours among my class to misdirect them. After all, like one of lecturer said, "You don't have to come in first; you only need to run as fast as the rest are." The good news is that this is the only term paper I've gotta do for this semester.

So, in short, school matters. A lot. Especially when you are an undergraduate. And if you still don't get it by now, the "matters" is used simultaneously as both a verb and noun.


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