My legacy of thoughts

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Why I love National Day

Last Friday, I got an email from the OSA (Office of Students Affairs), informing us that there is this competition going on. I quote: "The South West Community Development Council (CDC) recently launched the South West Blog on 29 July 2006. In conjunction with the launch, we have a blog post competition. As August is the National Day month, our topic for the competition is "Why I Love National Day". The South West CDC would like to extend an invitation to NUS students to enter our blogging competition."

I'm not keen in the prizes but I guess it wouldn't harm to devote a single post to this topic either.

First and foremost, I love National Day because it is a public holiday. It basically means I get an additional, bonus Sunday to do whatever I deem fit, albeit, short of passing anti-government remarks or making comments that can be construed as seditious. Just for the record, I spent my National Day this year with Dear at the temporary Chinatown hawker centre, enjoying a good meal, while thousands were waiting for the yearly fireworks.

Oh yes, speaking of the fireworks, the extravagance never fail to amaze me. I wonder how much money goes up in flames, literally, but hey! Compared to our massive reserves that takes some 50 man-years to account for, the money spent on fireworks is simply loose change, isn't it? Besides, the fireworks also remind me of the pyrotechnics employed by the WWE for their weekly shows and PPVs. Oh, did I mention I am WWE fan? Add up all the pyrotechnics that WWE uses for one calendar year and you get roughly the amount that we expend in a single day.

Another reason why I love National Day is of course the parade itself. Why, it is the crux of the entire event. Usually, there will be a Commando contingent; it's easy to spot them with their red berets standing out prominently. As I watch them display their impeccable foot drill in their whiter-than-white uniforms, I give thanks that I'm not assoicated with that unit in any significant way. I mean, the Commandos did cheated in their record-keeping. And let's not forget the reckless instructors who callously ended the life of poor 19 year old.

I love National Day because August is the only month, apart from the election/campaigning months, when I get to see all the MPs (Member of Parliament) who are representing my constituency at one go. Pictures of them flashing toothy smiles will be put up, urging us to "Join the celebrations, Fly our flag". On other occasions, there will only be one MP who will grace the banners to give us his/her regards.

Most importantly, I love National Day because with each passing National Day, I get closer to the answer of a buring question of mine: Does necromancy exist? Can a medically certified dead octogenarian (or possibly a nonagenarian) revive on its own, à la Resident Evil style, and terrorise the living? Common logic and thought experiments say "No" but I would prefer to wait and see.

National Day, a day for millions of Singaporeans to celebrate, a day for me to love.


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