My legacy of thoughts

Monday, April 14, 2008

Why anin't I blogging?

It's been quite a while, hasn't it? I used to be pretty upbeat about posting my thoughts and feelings here but I seem to have lost that sparkle for quite a while. Perhaps it's the drudgery of working life. Perhaps after a day of staring at the laptop and typing out lines and lines of code, the very idea of even more typing when I'm relaxing before my own computer seem repulsive. Regardless, since I'm here, let's make the best of out things.

After some weeks of procrastination and delay, I finally named my new project. I normally don't start work on a project until it gets a name; it's just me, really. I named it with a new word I learned today, "Thanatos". What does it mean, you may ask. Quite simply, it's represents death in Greek mythology. I found the name to be pretty apt. After all, with roughly 2 months of my contractual term left, this project could possibly be my last at my current job. The rest of my projects are in good shape, i.e. more than 90% complete, so I guess I can devote more time for Thanatos.


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