My legacy of thoughts

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Work musings

Been quite a while since I last wrote anything about work, isn't it? For starters, things are not too smooth-sailing for my current project but I've figured out a workaround today. I'm so eager to try it and see the results. I do hope I can complete it on time, though.

I've got a new boss from the last re-org and he has officially taken over. He held his first ever face-to-face staff meeting with the team today. More like a sharing session, if you ask me. Anyway, we were going round the table sharing our accomplishments for the previous quarter. When it came to me, I was a little lost for words and mumbled incoherently, or so I feel. I've been doing my job and the assigned tasks dutifully and I didn't see much accomplishments. Well, I did write over a thousand lines (maybe, more) of VBA code but I figured if I said that, peoples' eyes are just gonna glaze over and the expressions on their faces will be more empty than a vacuum. If doing what I'm supposed to do is an "accomplishment", then damn! I think me, together with everyone else, are a doing a damn fine job.

My soon-to-be ex-boss cum colleague, Richard, spoke up for me and mentioned how the projects that I did managed to improve efficiency and save time. Yeah, I guess besides him, no one else in the team has any idea what I'm doing. Actually, the best persons to ask are the ones who use my applications. After all, they are the ones who truly knows what it means to do work the hard way and to do it the easy way via my applications. What they dream, I make it into a reality; well, at least when it comes to Excel. So like, kudos to all the programmers out there; it ain't easy work but I know your pain.

Oh yeah, speaking of dreams, it would be a dream come true for some if my transfer is effected. You see, Simon mentioned that the operation managers are suggesting that I transfer over to one of the operation teams so as to support their function more effectively. Translation: Unlimited resource to exploit and full control to dictate me to work on their stuff - solely. Currently, my position resides in the projects team, meaning any Excel automation project goes through an approval process from Simon. Putting me into the operation effectively remove this additional layer of red tape and the operation managers can make me do what they want, when they want.

I don't really know if that's a bad thing or not. After all, I am a programmer at heart (and job) and writing lines of code is what I do. That said, it sucks to know that you are being used. Well, I guess I don't have much say in this; it's up to the managers, isn't it? I guess I'll just have to wait and see.


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