My legacy of thoughts

Sunday, June 22, 2003

It has been an exhausting week. Working at the mess isn't real easy. Oh, yeah. I'm now attached to the Specialists' Mess at SISPEC. The working hours are real odd, from 8am to 12 midnight. Sure, we get to sleep in the morning but it still sucks. I'd prefer 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep, instead of 4 hours of sleep, wake up and followed by another 4 hours of sleep.

It could have been uninterrupted sleep, if not for the SARS. We have to fall in every morning at 7.45am to record our temperatures. Man, I really wish that they call this temparature regime off. I mean, nobody takes it seriously anymore; we are there just for show. I guess the best actors from Singapore do not come from Mediacorp; they hail from SAF. The annual Stars Awards should feature some commisioned Officers/Warrant Officers/Specialists/Enlistees for their impressive acting skills.

More on my job scope. The mess cook, Uncle James, as we all affectionately address him as, whips up some local delights and western food for the Messes' visitors. My job is to help him prepare the setting for various dishes, wash the dishes and of course to collect the payment for the food. My first day started last Monday. It was real bad but I have somewhat gotten used to it.

Friday itself was more of a trouble. I was alone and had to deal with quite a lot of orders. Uncle James praised me for not being panicky like the previous guy. I wasn't really panicky at all. Being panicky doesn't help; being calm does.


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