My legacy of thoughts

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy New Year? Not me II

OK, the dreadful period is finally over. In fact, it has been two days since CNY is officially and traditionally considered over. Let me do a brief AAR (After Action Review).

I guess for this year, it went on pretty fine. I was no longer compelled to go around visiting, like how I was forced to tag along when I was a kid. I can't say that I have spent my time more fruitfully than usual but at least, I had a say over how I wanted to spend my time.

I think the core problem lies in lack of understanding of the culture. As I mentioned in the prequel to this post, no one explained to me what was the meaning of all these traditions. I was just supposed to follow blindly and "go through the motion". Hey, this sounds terribly like what they do in the SAF. Oh well... Anyway, I still think it would be better if someone had somehow told me the significance of these gestures.

Bearing that in mind, in future, I shall - to the best of my abilities and knowledge - as and when necessary, make things clear and provide explanations to my children, especially with regards to the things or actions I want them to perform. Hopefully, what happened to me will not happen to them.


  • At 1:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yeah I believe u won't. U will a terrific dadddy and hubby!!! -_-"" heheheheheh. Secret password: flying***


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